
Friday, March 1, 2013

Student Success Statement -- Albert A. Montpert

Student Success Statement

“Nobody ever did, or even will, escape the consequences of his choices.”

--Albert A. Montapert

Here, the obvious and truth is being told. There are always chain reactions to every single thing, everything happening has come from a previous action. So, if you make a choice, or do something, you will (have to) get a reaction, in this case it is called a ‘consequence’. Concluding this would be saying: if you make a bad choice you will get a bad consequence- a punishment; but if you make a good choice you will also suffer the consequences, but this time a good one—a reward! This pretty much wraps this statements ‘law’. An example of this would be a student littering his trash on the streets: you would make  a good choice and pick it up, your consequence/reward is feeling good or even being recognized for you kind action. But—the person littering will receive a bad consequence-- and will have to pay a fine!

Choose the right and make good choices!

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